medium rare
Jurisprudence. And curling.
Being an esteemed law firm that protects Fortune 500 companies requires a certain amount of restraint and decorum. But that doesn’t mean you can’t also show a little personality and humanize a stolid industry. We worked with MM to build a distinguished brand identity that embodies their core values and makes an impression on clients. We also convinced them to let down their hair a bit and let their clients in on their wicked sense of humor.
The Challenges:
  • Refresh the brand with a new identity system and marketing materials that presents a serious yet modern and progressive image, appealing to a sophisticated audience.
  • Bring personality and levity to an industry usually identified with staid, uninspired communications.
The Ingredients:
  • Branding
  • Print
  • Digital
  • Game Design/Production
  • Social Media
  • Environmental
The new identity system is both progressive and stable. Using a custom font, the logo “leans forward” to embody the forward-thinking clients they represent. The color scheme is bold enough to stand apart, yet conservative enough to convey reliability. Complementary stationery is clean and professional.
Reindeer Games
Let’s face it: law firms are usually more memorable for success in the courtroom than in brand presentation. To humanize the firm and add some memorable levity to the holiday season, we design and build greeting cards that link to a custom video game featuring partners in the firm. You can engage in a snowball fight, hockey match, skiing obstacle course, and even curling against your favorite Mandell Menkes partner!
The Impact
Mandell Menkes continues to grow and propser as a leading litigation firm (as well as a marketing vanguard) in the legal industry. Existing customers eagerly look forward to the holiday fun, and prospects are intrigued by the outside-the-box thinking that the firm embraces.

“Quote here.”